






此外,為進一步讓本澳物理治療專業與國際接軌,經過多年籌備,本會於2011年,在荷蘭舉辦的第16屆世界物理治療聯盟(The World Confederation for Physical Therapy-WCPT)會議中,被正式通過成為WCPT的會員組織,並於2013年在台灣舉辦的第12屆亞洲物理治療聯盟 (The Asia Confederation for Physical Therapy-ACPT) 會議中,被通過成為ACPT的會員組織。與此同時,隨著內地物理治療專業迅速發展,本會亦逐步加強與內地物理治療相關組織的合作交流,多次派代表參與物理治療相關的專業研討會,以及組織會員進行參訪交流;同時與鄰近地區的合作關係亦更為緊密,於2018年更與香港物理治療學會簽署合作備忘錄,進一步加深本會與不同地區專業夥伴的合作。



Who Are We

Macau Physical Therapists Association (MPTA) was officially formed in May 2000. It is a non-profit making association registered with the Macau S.A.R. government, representing the majority of the physical therapists in Macau. Our members were once just limited to the hospital service. As our first 15 years just passed, our services today cover a wider range of professional fields.

Mission Statement

The main objectives of the association are to promote and maintain a high standard of physical therapy practice in Macau, to assist the Macau government in optimization of the healthcare system, to exercise the duties and responsibilities to the patients and the general public with interest and integrity.


MPTA has 114 members as of 2015, the equivalent of one per 5600 Macau citizens. Requirements stated in the MPTA constitution must be satisfied for a person to be accepted to become one of our members. Members of MPTA are distributed in different fields, including health care centers facilities such as hospitals and clinics, government-run facilities, nursing homes, schools, fitness industry, self-operated businesses and others etc.

The majority of Macau’s physical therapists undertook their undergraduate degree in Taiwan, because there is no facility or university which offers physical therapy studies in Macau itself. We also have graduates who completed their degrees in Hong Kong, Portugal, India, Australia, Canada, England, etc. There have been members who have furthered their studies and became specialized in pain management, psychology, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, sports science, physical education and sports, sports medicine, rehabilitation science, anatomy, geriatrics, assistive technology, etc.