Code of Ethics


The physical therapy profession is responsible and accountable to society. To enhance public trust and confidence in the profession, making explicit the standards and values underlying physical therapy is necessary.

Each physical therapist is accountable for his/her practice. In the exercise of his/her professional responsibilities, each physical therapist has an obligation to uphold and adhere to the Code of Ethics for Physical Therapists in Macau. The code aims to make explicit the standards for professional conduct that physical therapists shall act at all times in their course of duty. It may also serve to provide the public with a basis for decisions regarding standards of professional conduct.

Nine aspects of professional conduct

In discharging his/her duty in a professional capacity, each physical therapist shall act, at all times, in such a manner as to:

1. Respect the rights, dignity, uniqueness, values, culture and beliefs of patients/clients and their families in the provision of physical therapy practice.

2. Hold in confidence personal information obtained in a professional capacity.

3. Safeguard informed decision-making and the wellbeing of patients/clients in the provision of care.

4. Provide safe and competent professional practice.

5. Maintain the agreed standard of practice.

6. Foster the trust that is inherent in the privileged relationship between physical therapists and their patients/clients.

7. Upload the image of physical therapists and the profession by refusing advantages.

8. Practice in accordance with laws of Macau relevant to the area of physical therapy and health care practices.

9. Recognize the role as a professional association and participate in the planning and development of services which address the health needs of the society.